by hadasadmin | Sep 6, 2019 | Articles, CMi
How management and staff communicate with one another plays a crucial role in employee morale, office atmosphere, and resulting quality of work done. Good communication among all levels within an organization leads to increased productivity, trust, confidence,...
by hadasadmin | Jul 26, 2019 | Articles, CMi
As a business transformation consultant my advice is to organizations as a whole on how to implement, and become resilient to, change. And having done this for many years, as a by-product I observed that some people deal with change much better than others. Of course...
by hadasadmin | Jun 22, 2019 | Articles, CMi
It’s the end of the project and you should celebrate with a little party. Maybe it didn’t go super well, but still, not for a lack of effort. At least you should raise a glass to that, no? But instead, things just seem to dissipate. People drift off to other roles....
by hadasadmin | May 31, 2019 | Articles, CMi
“Why can’t you understand me? We communicate in the same language, after all!” How many times have we all been in this frustrating situation? I am sure you can think of a time, perhaps even recently, where you felt this exact way. It seems like you have said the same...
by hadasadmin | May 10, 2019 | Articles, CMi
Once your project is complete, whether it was successful or not so much, how much can you thank (or blame) your change program? Every once in a while all of us come across blogs or articles that list why projects fail. At the top of the list every time is some lack of...
by hadasadmin | Apr 26, 2019 | Articles, CMi
Many projects need nothing more than a project team and a steering committee made up of local sponsors when it comes to the governance structure. But if you need to implement in more than one location, it helps to have someone there to champion that change for you....