Plan for Success First-Then Plan Your Strategy

Plan for Success First-Then Plan Your Strategy

Before you start planning your strategy (or project ), you have to do one very important step first: identify what the success criteria are going to be. Unfortunately many people skip this step. And that is a mistake – for several reasons: You want all decision...
Your Strategic Plan is Ready. Is Your Organization?

Your Strategic Plan is Ready. Is Your Organization?

You and your senior team have agreed on your strategic plan and you are ready to implement. What comes next? Usually the knee-jerk response is to start working on your planned activities. But is your organization truly ready and fully onside? Is everyone on board? Can...
10 Secrets of Change Resilient People

10 Secrets of Change Resilient People

As a business transformation consultant my advice is to organizations as a whole on how to implement, and become resilient to, change. And having done this for many years, I observed that some people deal with change much better than others. Of course this should not...
Planning Your Business Transformation – 3 Watch Outs!

Planning Your Business Transformation – 3 Watch Outs!

If you do things right, you should have a good cross-section of activities do do your planning. These activities should be a good mix of technology, business process, communication, training, and so on. If you want to know how to get a good balance of activities for...