What We Can Do For You


Change Leadership Coaching

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Every now and then an organization reaches a point where survival and continued growth require more than incremental improvements. A business transformation is needed.

When a business needs to transform itself, strategic leadership skills are required. In our 20 years plus hands-on experience, every successful change project was led by strategic leaders.

Follow this link to find out what some of these capabilities, how our Change Leadership Coaching program can equip you with these, or to schedule an exploratory meeting to see how you could benefit.

Growth Toolkit

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The reason clients hire service providers and vendors is because they want help with solving their business growth problems. And today’s acute need presents a big opportunity.

However these clients are frustrated with many of the professionals from these companies, for many reasons.

Follow this link to find out what some their biggest reasons are, what they like to see, and how you can ensure your organization is one of the ones that your clients are happy to talk to.

Change Leadership for your Business Transformation Program

Whether you need full time or part time consulting support for your business transformation project, we can meet your needs.

We are connected to a global network of consultants that covers the areas of organizational change management, training and communication. Whether you need one individual or a team we will help you define what makes most sense for your project.

Ideal For:

  • Complex projects that require dedicated expertise
  • Project Managers leading a large, high visibility, high stakes transformation project
  • Organizations looking to develop their own internal organizational change management capability


  • Dedicated support for your most important strategic projects
  • Big Firm quality at independent consultant fees
  • Customized solutions based on in-depth understanding of your organization
Change Management for IT Implementers

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There is a big difference between specialized IT Implementers and large System Integrators, and it has nothing to do with size. System Integrators charge higher rates because they don’t just “fix” technology problems, they “solve” their clients business and strategic issues. They present themselves as technology expertsplus adoption specialists.

And you can do that too. You can win more business at higher margins by integrating your technology specialty, with experts in end user adoption and sustainability. This is where we come in.

With over 20 years’ experience with IT implementations at large to mid-size clients, follow this link here to find out how we can help you win more business, with less work for you, while delivering better results to your clients.

Why Hadas Partners?

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The two questions that we get most often are, “What is the value of having you on our project?”
and, “How are you different from other consultants?”

We have also asked our clients this very same question over the years, and here are their most common responses.

“What is your Value?”
Knowing what works in different situations and across industries. Rather than wasting time wondering which of the several risky options are best, you can quickly select one or two that have already worked in the past.

Expertise that makes your decision making easier. Spending 20 years in change management is like spending 20 years on turbulent seas: we learned to be calm in the midst of chaos. This calm is the result of learning what to expect and what to do. As a result we can help you tell the difference between real danger signs and noise, and can guide you on which direction to take. Therefore you can be confident in your decisions, and will be able to sleep peacefully at night.

Pinpointing who to pay particular attention to in your organisation. Large initiatives are complex because of people: people are simply unpredictable. The person you thought was on your side suddenly goes against you. Another person you expected to put up roadblocks is suddenly on your side and you have wasted your time preparing for their objections. We can save you time and aggravation by identifying these potential situations. In addition, we’ll help you build a network of supporters who can do some of the communicating and work for you in their departments.

Reputation that is built on practical, tangible results. There is very little we cannot do when it comes to change management:

• change management planning, execution, reporting and coaching
• stakeholder assessments, readiness assessments, employee surveys
• communications planning, messaging and delivery
• training development, delivery and tracking
• small and large group workshop facilitation
• role clarification and job/org design

“How are you Different?”
We are practical and spend very little time on theory. Therefore for us, change management activities must be tied to the success of your initiative. And furthermore, you need to be able to track and measure these activities.

We get the importance of business. First of all, we run a business ourselves and understand this importance first hand. But most of all, we have led projects for hard-nosed finance, logistics, operations and other senior managers. Consequently, we know there is no benefit in doing tasks for their own sake. There must be clear business objectives for every change management activity because time, money and resources are real-life constraints.

Our approach is collaborative and we are easy to work with. We partner closely with you and your team members (thus the name ‘Hadas Partners’). We may be the experts on change management, but you are the experts on what works in your company. Plus, you have the credibility internally to make things happen whereas we, as outsiders, don’t. We are all about working closely together.

We tell you what you need to hear. That may not always be easy because sometimes it’s not what you want to hear. However, it is very important on high risk and high visibility projects where you want to make the tough decisions before it’s too late. Furthermore you may find it indispensable because usually your direct reports are reluctant to deliver unpopular news (for obvious reasons).

Contact us to get…
…an expert in your corner who will save you time, and will furthermore help you simplify the decisions you will need to make…a team member who can roll up their sleeves and also work in partnership with everyone in your organisation, from front line employees to executives…a partner who will work closely with you to deliver visible business results

Maximize the ROI of your business transformation project.

Schedule a free consultation with Peter.

1. Invest 30 minutes to meet change management coach Peter Hadas.

2. If you like what you hear, accept our offer to connect again, for a complimentary, facilitated 60 minute individual or team coaching session.

You will learn how to ask the right questions. And what to do with the answers.

Get some expert support for your change challenge.

Book your free session now!

Everything You Need to Reach the Next Level

When you need a Partner for your Transformation, we’re here for you.