Becoming a Data Superhero – Ojoswi’s Story

Becoming a Data Superhero – Ojoswi’s Story

After several years of working on the technical side of IT implementations, I found myself becoming more and more of a technology generalist. Technical Architect, Project Manager, Sr. Business Analyst, etc., were some of the career choices in front of me. However, the...
Turn Reluctant Leadership Around in 5 Steps

Turn Reluctant Leadership Around in 5 Steps

Here it is, the third and final blog in the series on change leadership. The first blog highlighted the key traits of excellent change leaders. The second blog covered what the four types of Change Leader are and how to work with them. This blog is on how to align all...
This New Technology is Just Plain Exciting

This New Technology is Just Plain Exciting

While looking into a potential opportunity recently, I came across a technology called Tableau. I had heard of it before, but due to other priorities, I did not have time to look into it in more detail. This time I did. I went to the Tableau website and started...
Week One: 3 Steps to Make Sure It’s Smooth

Week One: 3 Steps to Make Sure It’s Smooth

When implementing a change, such as new technology or processes, week one after the implementation date is crucial. Momentum is gained or lost in that first week. Usually communication and training are part of the implementation. So how come there is sometimes...
Team Activities: Your OCM Surgical Tools

Team Activities: Your OCM Surgical Tools

Team activities are powerful tools for increasing willingness to accept change. However, practitioners sometimes misuse activities such as workshops: they either overuse them, or else ignore them completely. On one end of the spectrum, some people view Organizational...