Personality Assessments – Read This First

Personality Assessments – Read This First

“When you assume you make an ass out of you and me”. Most of us have heard that in grade school. There needs to be something similar for assessments. “When you get assessed you…” I don’t know. Here’s the problem with assessments. All assessments are good,...
10 Secrets of Change Resilient People

10 Secrets of Change Resilient People

As a business transformation consultant my advice is to organizations as a whole on how to implement, and become resilient to, change. And having done this for many years, I observed that some people deal with change much better than others. Of course this should not...
Employee Retention: The M&A Achilles Heel

Employee Retention: The M&A Achilles Heel

Employee retention is a key component of a Merger and Acquisition (M&A) integration. And employee retention can be a company’s biggest hurdle to realize the expected return on investment (ROI). The main reason for this is that financial models don’t fully capture...
You Are Accountable for Reading this Article!

You Are Accountable for Reading this Article!

Accountable, responsible. Poteighto, potaato. Interchangeable, right? Wrong. There is a huge difference. Often people do use the terms “accountability” and “responsibility” interchangeably, and frequently it does not create issues. However, when you are trying to...
Prioritizing, Dim Sum, and a Locked Door

Prioritizing, Dim Sum, and a Locked Door

Prioritizing is about as exciting a subject as dealing with issues and risks (see previous blog). Be honest: just reading that previous sentence, and the words “prioritizing”, “issues”, and “risks”, a glaze is starting to form in front of your eyes, right? But hang...